Click OK to close the Style Pane Options dialog box.Using the Select Styles to Show drop-down list, select All Styles.Click the Options link at the bottom of your Styles list to display the dialog box.On the Home tab of your Ribbon,in the Styles group, click the small downward arrow at the bottom to display the Styles list.If you want to fix this issue in other templates, you should open that particular template or create a document based on that template style. Create a new blank document based on your Normal template.Fortunately, there is a fairly simple fix for this problem and that is Modify the Envelope style! What this means is that if your text does not fit in that exact frame, the bottom portion of your address will be cut off. The problem is that the style is defined to use a frame that is designed to be a certain height, exactly. When you click on either the Print or Add to Document buttons, this is the style that is grabbed and used for your address. The reasoning behind this behavior is that the Envelopes and Labels tool in Word depends on a predefined style.

However, once you have printed your envelopes or labels you will quickly see that Word decided not not print everything that you keyed in! You can usually print anywhere from six to eight lines depending on your font size.

Now you will not necessarily see this limit while you are creating your envelopes or labels from the Tools menu, where you can just key in as much address as you like. If your job requires you to create address labels in Word, you most certainly will have noticed that Word limits the number of lines you can use in an address.